Everyone has a role to play during these challenging times as we come together as a community. The beautiful thing is that we can all decided how we want to show that support. It’s amazing to see how creative we can get in showing support for the people that are stepping up and risking their health to help others. Here are some of my favorites
- A convoy of emergency services vehicles drove past the London Health Sciences University and St. Joseph’s campuses
- A local restaurant owner started an initiative to donate 10 per cent of every take-out order and 100 per cent of tips directly to the London Food Bank
- The streets of Wortley Village in London, Ont., are filled with cheer for a few minutes every evening as residents thank local front-line “We cheer for two to five minutes every night at 7:30 p.m.,” said Jolene Barr.
- The donation of the trailer to a front line worker so they don’t have to risk exposing their families to covid-19, Can-Am RV Centre co-owner Andy Thomson says nearly 20 will be on loan by the end of this week.
- Hospital staff getting 150 meals delivered to them over 2 days in appreciation of all they are doing during the crisis. The food, which is being prepared by Kubby’s Bar and Grill and Squire Pub and Grill, is being donated by Gord Pellett from Dale Downie Nissan.
Today I want to talk about an initiative I am getting behind called Forrat’s Feeds Families by Marc Forrat our local Chocolatier who has kept my chocolate addiction going for many years. Marc has received a one tonne (2,200 lbs) donation of chocolate from his supplier Callebaut that he’s going to turn into some amazing Raspberry Velvet chocolates. These chocolates will be sold on-line and at local Lablaws’ grocery stores. The proceeds from the sales will go towards purchasing food to be donated to the most at risk in London and surrounding areas. The goal is to provide up to a month’s worth of non-perishable food items to 500 underprivileged families in the London area.

I know many of you have a sweet tooth as big as mine, so join me in supporting this great imitative and enjoy some handmade chocolates from Forrat’s Chocolates in London.